jsLinb is a Cross-Browser javascript framework with WYSIWYG GUI builder and javascript-based source code Editor
• Rich client-side API, works with any backend (php, .Net, Java, python) or static HTML pages.
• More then 40 common components, including Tabs, Dialog, TreeGrid, TimeLine and many other web GUI components.
• Wide cross-browser compatibility, IE6+, firefox1.5+, opera9+, safari3+ and Google Chrome.
• Full API Documentation with tons of samples.
• Ever Increasing Code Snippets.
• Drag&Drop WYSIWYG GUI builder and IDE available. Significantly reduced development time.
• Source code editor Integrated (Code Intellisense, Code folding, Syntax Check and Undo/Redo).
• Compatible with jQuery, prototype, mootools and other frameworks.
• Open Source under LGPL license, and commercial support available.

You can reach me at: linb.net[at]gmail.com
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